Today it torrentially down poured in parts of Pennsylvania. Earlier in the week I had planned to go into the Dean’s Office and finish up my work on The Collage, but when I looked out my window and saw students with umbrellas flipping inside-out, I decided that wasn’t going to be possible. Not only can I not carry an umbrella, I also have a hood that doesn’t stay on very well in windy conditions. I also had to walk from one building to another because the shuttle bus at KU doesn’t have a stop at the building where I work.
I was very upset because I was already dressed and ready for the day and really wanted to go to work to finish the newsletter. But, I had no choice. So, I reluctantly called the Dean’s Office to let them know that it was going to be hard for me to get there. Luckily, they seemed to understand my situation.
I was then stuck in my apartment. I was hoping that the rain would stop before my class at 3:00, because I was presenting all of my different websites on Disability Awareness 4 You, and thankfully it did!
Sometimes students with disabilities face challenges when bad weather conditions happen. The best thing a teacher and/or other students can do is understand that it may not always be as easy as it seems for these students. Also, students with disabilities should keep the lines of communication open with their professors and friends so that they will (hopefully) not be penalized for missing class/work/etc.